Originally submitted at NBC Universal Store
Seen on episode 1/20/2011 Celebrate the virtues and lifestyle of Ron Swanson with this Pyramid of Greatness T-shirt. Follow its advice and you too may be transformed from a boy to a man, from a man to a gladiator, and from a gladiator into a Swanson. (We assume its lessons apply to women as well.) ...
Print is crooked! BIG Disapointment
Sizing: Feels too large
Cons: Poor Quality
Best Uses: Outdoor Activities, Casual Wear
Describe Yourself: Comfort-oriented, Practical
Was this a gift?: No
I was so excited to get my Ron Swanson "Pyramid of Greatness" tee shirt so when it arrived I immediately opened it and put it on to wear at a company function only to be told multiple times my shirt was crooked so i adjusted and adjusted it but realized that it was the print that was crooked on the front not the tee. The Print is not centered and it tilts as well. So now im so bummed that I own a $20 Tee that looks so bad like something a street vendor would sell, or you buy at a swap meet, an after concert tee sold by entrepreneurs... so basically a knockoff. I'm so disappointed with my "Pyramid of Greatness" Tee that I want my money back or a NEW Shirt NBC Store! Ron Swanson would be very disappointed and enraged by having his face on such a piece of crap tee. Parks and recreation Show = Yay! Parks and Rec Merchandise = Fail
But I do look good in a helmet though.